Used to V  V.S.  Be used to Ving  V.S.  Get used to Ving

A .Used to V   以前一向這樣做,但是現在不再這樣做了

1)The boss didn’t use to take so many flights. (He now takes a lot of flights)
2)Did Jack use to work for an airline? (Jack may not work for an airline now.)
3) Betty used to buy a lot of free products. (She doesn’t buy a lot of free products anymore.)

B. Be used to Ving 從以前到現在一直都習慣於做某事

1)Lora is used to helping customers find what they want. ( Lora is familiar with this work and still does now.)
2)I wasn’t used to dealing with customers complaints. ( I wasn’t familiar with this work in the past.)

C.Get (Become) used to = Be used to,所以都加Ving

1)They are getting used to living in the city. (They have moved to the city and are becoming familiar with living there.)
2)Sue got used to working at night and on the weekend. (At first it was hard, but Sue become familiar with working at night and on the weekend.)

Be (Get) used to + N

1)Jenny is used to rain in Seattle.
2)Terry isn’t getting used to the noise at the factory.

易混淆:*be used   是被動語態,先確認是否為被動祠,後面如有動詞,應用TO和後面的原形動詞隔開



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